We are your Web Team and are here to support you! We support hundreds of clients in many different ways, so we have streamlined how we work to keep your costs down while maximizing our ability to help you. The following are some useful details that will help you make sure you get the best possible results. Let’s work together to accomplish your online & business goals.

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What this means for you…

Plan ahead! The more advance notice you can give us, the better. We accommodate as many requests as we can, but we need to plan ahead, too. Last minute requests may have to be postponed or we may need to charge Urgent Fees.

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  • Email Response: 24 hours or less on business days
  • Support Requests: 3 to 5 business days for ‘normal-sized’ requests*
  • Urgent Requests: As soon as possible. No guarantees are made on timeline

Turnaround times are the amount of time you can expect us to complete certain functions. We usually complete requests much quicker than the below times, but it is normal to experience busy times. If your request cannot wait the following turnaround times it will be considered Urgent. We will let you know in advance if we are unable to complete a normal-sized support request within the following timelines.

* normal-sized requests take about 3 or fewer hours to complete. If you think your request might take more than 3 hours, plan well in advance. If you’re unsure, ask us.

What this means for you…

Plan ahead! Take into account our turnaround times when scheduling your Support Requests. The more advance notice you can give us, the better. We accommodate as many requests as we can, but we need to plan ahead, too. Last minute requests may incur Urgent Fees.

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  1. Plan ahead. Planning ahead and notifying us are always the best place to start. If you ever have questions about our availability, contact us. Many clients find it useful to talk with us first to understand what the project will require, how we can help or what they can do themselves (to save on budget). A consultation ahead of time can save you stress and budget. Click here to schedule a phone consultation.
  2. Be as clear and concise as possible. We’re pretty good mind readers, but we don’t like to assume anything. If instructions aren’t clear, we might not understand what you mean. A great rule of thumb is… If you can follow your own instructions, step-by-step, then we will probably be able to follow them, too. If we don’t understand we will ask, of course, but being clear and detailed up-front will save you on time AND budget.
  3. Include materials. Send us the links, graphics, screenshots, color samples, or whatever information we will need. As you read your own instructions from item 2 above, you’ll think “Hey, they’ll need this!” If we have to hunt or search for the items or information we need it will increase budget and delays.
  4. Send everything together. Piecemeal can be extremely time consuming and expensive. Some of our clients don’t mind the expense, but if you do, be sure to send us everything we need all at once.
  5. Ask. Hey, the world of the web can be confusing. We get it! If you have questions, please ask. A good question in advance can save you worry, time and budget.

What this means for you…

Follow the Best Practices to the left for every project or request possible. We like things to run smoothly just as much as you do. As a valued part of our Team, we rely on you to help us help you.

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We define “Emergencies” as any event or occurrence that is an act of god or out of anyone’s direct control. Technology isn’t perfect. Websites can go down or get hacked. Emails can stop working. We get it.

Since your business relies on a functioning website, we’re here to help. We are available 7 days a week and on holidays to help. Normal fees may apply (as opposed to Urgent Requests which incur additional fees).

If you are experiencing an emergency, use the form below to send your request.

What this means for you…

If you are experiencing a true Emergency we’re here! Otherwise…you guessed it…plan ahead to avoid Urgent Fees.

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Urgent Requests are Support Requests that cannot wait our normal turnaround times. While these may feel like emergencies to you, these are actually Support Requests with urgent timelines. We’re happy to help, but please understand that last-minute requests can be stressful, cause us to work overtime hours, and demand additional resources.

To be fair to our Team and respect our time, we charge Urgent Fees and higher hourly rates for Urgent Requests. We have created this resource page to help you avoid Urgent Fees if at all possible.

What this means for you…

Not to sound like a broken record, but please plan ahead as much as possible. Give us as much advance notice as possible so we can prioritize your request and be fair to our Team as well as other clients who have active projects.

Submit an Urgent Request

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Use this form to submit a normal support ticket. If the request cannot abide our normal turnaround times, use the Urgent Request form.


    Use this form if you have an Urgent Request or Emergency. They are not the same so please review the definitions above before submitting the request.

      Request type: